At Harborne Medical, we adhere to the General Medical Council’s guidance on chaperones, which can be read here:
Chaperones are necessary to protect both patients and staff from abuse or allegations of abuse. The doctor or nurse should give you a clear explanation of what an examination will involve. If you have any questions, please ask them directly. If you do not wish to proceed with an examination, or want to have more time to think about it, let doctor or nurse know immediately.
You will usually be offered a chaperone for an intimate examination, but if you are not offered one and you would like to have one, please let the doctor or nurse know. If necessary, the examination can be rearranged for a mutually convenient time when a chaperone can be present.
Practice staff who act as chaperones have had training in how to carry out this role. Patients should be reassured that all practice staff understand their responsibility not to divulge confidential information.