Home visits are exclusively for patients who bedbound due to chronic illness.
Requests for home visits should be made by telephoning reception before 10:30am and we will aim to provide the visit the same day. Home visits are prioritised on a daily basis due to clinical need. Requests received after 10.30am may not be considered until the next day.
A clinician may phone first to assess the most appropriate course of action – this may be advice over the phone, an appointment in the surgery or a home visit.
A consultation in the surgery is always preferable to a home visit as there is better equipment, examination facilities and emergency supplies.
A home visit is very time-consuming, and a clinician can see four or five patients in the surgery in the time it takes to do one home visit, so please try to attend the surgery where possible. If you are able to visit the hospital outpatient department, dentist, hairdresser, shops etc. then you must attend the surgery. We can only visit patients who are bedbound.