The best way to view your test results is via the NHS App.
You can also phone reception after 3.00 pm Monday-Friday to speak to a receptionist who will be able to give you results over the phone. We are not able to take calls about results before this time due to high call volumes. Reception staff will be able to tell you if results are normal or satisfactory, or if you need to book a consultation with a doctor.
Hospital Investigations / Tests / Results
If you have had tests arranged by your hospital specialist, the specialist will receive the results. Results will always be sent to the doctor who requested the test. You will need to contact the hospital secretaries to chase results requested by the hospital.
UHB: 0121 3717060 or email
Royal Orthopaedic: 0121 685 4186
Birmingham Women’s: 0121 325 8100
Modality: 0121 250 1592
Health Harmonie: 0121 454 7779